
Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene During Invisalign Treatment.

Dr. Hoss Abar

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Getting straighter teeth with Invisalign aligners can be a rewarding experience, but it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your treatment to ensure optimal results. Proper oral care can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and staining or discoloration of your aligners. In this blog post, we'll share some tips for maintaining good oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment, so you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful throughout your journey.  

The Importance of Oral Hygiene During Invisalign Treatment   

Maintaining good oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment is crucial for achieving optimal results. Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and must be worn for 20-22 hours daily. Food particles and bacteria can get trapped between the aligners and your teeth during this time, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Proper brushing and flossing can remove these particles and helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy.  

In addition, cleaning your Invisalign aligners regularly can prevent staining and discoloration, ensuring your aligners remain transparent and discreet. By prioritizing oral hygiene during your Invisalign treatment, you can ensure that your smile looks and feels its best when your treatment is complete.  

Brushing and Flossing with Invisalign Aligners   

Brushing and flossing with Invisalign aligners is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. While wearing aligners, food particles, and bacteria can become trapped, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Here are some tips for brushing and flossing with Invisalign:  

  • Brush your teeth and aligners thoroughly at least twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.  
  • Remove your aligners before brushing your teeth to ensure you thoroughly clean your teeth and gums.  
  • Use a floss threader or interdental brushes to clean between teeth and under the wires of your braces.
Brushing and Flossing
  • Rinse your mouth and aligners with water after eating or drinking, especially if you consume sugary or acidic foods and drinks.  
  • Always ensure your aligners are dry before returning them to your mouth to prevent bacteria growth.

Following these simple tips, you can maintain good oral hygiene and keep your smile healthy throughout your Invisalign treatment.  

Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners  

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners is essential to maintaining good oral hygiene during treatment. Since aligners are worn most of the day, they can become stained or develop an odor if not cleaned regularly. Here are some tips for cleaning your Invisalign aligners:  

  • Rinse your aligners with water every time you take them out to prevent dried saliva and bacteria from building up.  
  • Soak your aligners in a cleaning solution recommended by your dentist or orthodontist.  
  • Brush your aligners gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.  
  • Avoid using hot water to clean your aligners, as it can warp or damage them.  
  • Do not use mouthwash or harsh chemicals to clean your aligners, as they can cause discoloration or damage.  

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine lets you keep your Invisalign aligners clean, clear, and odor-free throughout your treatment.

Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease  

Preventing tooth decay and gum disease is crucial for maintaining good oral health during Invisalign treatment. Here are some tips to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy:  

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.  
  • Floss at least once daily to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth and under the gumline.  
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to kill germs and freshen your breath.  
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which can contribute to tooth decay and erosion.  
  • Avoid smoking and using other tobacco products, which increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.  
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to catch any issues early on.  

Avoiding Staining and Discoloration of Invisalign Aligners  

Invisalign aligners are clear and discreet, making them an attractive option for those who wish to straighten their teeth. However, aligners can become stained or discolored if not properly cared for. Here are some tips to help you avoid staining and discoloration of your Invisalign aligners:  

  • Rinse your aligners with water every time you remove them to prevent saliva and bacteria from drying.  
  • Brush your aligners gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove plaque or food particles buildup.  
  • Soak your aligners in a cleaning solution recommended by your dentist or orthodontist to keep them clean and clear.  
  • Avoid drinking colored or sugary beverages while wearing your aligners, as they can stain them.  
  • Remove your aligners before eating to prevent food from getting trapped and staining them.  
  • Do not expose your aligners to hot water; it can warp or damage them.  

Using Mouthwash and Other Oral Care Products with Invisalign Aligners  

Using mouthwash and other oral care products can help maintain good oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment. However, using them correctly is important to avoid damaging or staining your aligners. Here are some tips for using mouthwash and other oral care products with Invisalign aligners:  

  • Use an alcohol-free mouthwash to avoid damaging or staining your aligners.  
  • Rinse your mouth and aligners thoroughly with water after using mouthwash to remove any residue.
  • Avoid using mouthwash or oral care products that contain hydrogen peroxide or other harsh chemicals that can damage or discolor your aligners.
  • Use non-abrasive toothpaste when brushing your teeth to avoid damaging your aligners.  
  • Consult with your dentist or orthodontist before using new oral care products to ensure they are safe for your aligners.

Common Oral Hygiene Mistakes to Avoid with Invisalign Aligners   

Maintaining good oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment is essential for a successful outcome. However, some common mistakes can compromise your oral health and the effectiveness of your treatment. Here are some common oral hygiene mistakes to avoid with Invisalign aligners:  

  • Skipping, brushing, and flossing: Failing to brush regularly can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. Make sure to brush twice daily and floss at least once daily, even when wearing your aligners.  
  • Not cleaning aligners properly: Neglecting your aligners properly can lead to discoloration, odor, and the buildup of harmful bacteria. Clean your aligners daily using the recommended cleaning solution and a soft-bristled toothbrush.  
  • Drinking sugary or acidic beverages: Consuming sugary or acidic beverages while wearing your aligners can increase the risk of tooth decay and erosion. Stick to water or remove your aligners when drinking anything other than water.  
  • Using a toothbrush that's too hard: Using a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage your teeth and gums and scratch your aligners. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning your teeth and aligners.  
  • Skipping dental appointments: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health during Invisalign treatment. Make sure to keep all scheduled appointments with your dentist or orthodontist.  

By avoiding these common oral hygiene mistakes, you can keep your teeth, gums, and aligners healthy, ensuring a successful outcome for your Invisalign treatment.  

How to Handle Orthodontic Emergencies During Invisalign Treatment?

Orthodontic emergencies can happen at any time, including during Invisalign treatment. While rare, these emergencies can cause discomfort and affect the effectiveness of your treatment. Here's what you should do if you experience an orthodontic emergency while wearing Invisalign aligners:  

  • Broken or lost aligner: If your aligner is broken or lost, contact your orthodontist immediately. They may advise you to switch to your next set of aligners or provide you with a replacement aligner.  
  • Sharp or poking wires: If a wire from your braces is poking or irritating your gums, cover the wire with orthodontic wax or a small piece of cotton until you can see your orthodontist.  
  • Pain or discomfort: It's normal to experience discomfort during Invisalign treatment. However, if you experience severe pain or discomfort that persists, contact your orthodontist.  
  • Aligner not fitting properly: If your aligner is not fitting correctly, it may be due to changes in your teeth or gums. Contact your orthodontist to determine if adjustments are needed.  
  • Infection or swelling: If you experience signs of infection or swelling, such as fever, redness, or pus, contact your orthodontist immediately.


Maintaining good oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment is essential to ensuring the success of your orthodontic treatment. Following the tips and techniques discussed in this article, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and avoid common oral hygiene mistakes.  

Remember to brush and floss regularly, use the right products for cleaning your aligners, and avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth or damage your aligners. If you experience an orthodontic emergency, contact your orthodontist immediately to prevent any disruption to your treatment.  

Finally, remember that Invisalign treatment is a journey that requires patience and commitment. By caring for your teeth and aligners, you can achieve the smile you've always wanted and enjoy a lifetime of improved oral health.

Contact your Pinole dentist, Dr. Hoss Abar, DDS, MSD at Abar Orthodontics, to learn more about Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene During Invisalign Treatment.


Invisalign Braces calls for a Specialist Orthodontist only.

*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition* 

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