
Procedure For Teeth Whitening

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Teeth Whitening is an efficient way to brighten your teeth. This, in turn, will increase your self-esteem as well as your smile. Here we will explain the procedure for teeth whitening done at the dental office.


Step By Step Procedure


Here is the process of procedure for teeth whitening:


In-Office Teeth Whitening


Your dentist does the best option for teeth whitening at the office. Here are the steps:


  • The patient sits on a comfortable chair in front of the dentist.
  • The dentist asks the patient to select the shade from the color bar. The patient decides which color of white he wants, either a brighter one or a less bright shade.
  • The dentist polishes the teeth with a flour-based solution. Then it is time to rinse.
  • Now, check retractors are put in the mouth to keep the cheeks and lips a little distance from the teeth.
  • Teeth are dried by using Gingival Barrier to the upper and lower teeth. It is applied next to the gums to remain germ-free and clean. Sometimes the dentists may use cotton balls for extra care.
  • When the Gingival Barrier becomes stiff, light is thrown on the teeth.
  • Now, the gel is applied to the teeth. This gel is evenly spread to the other teeth at the back. This is done using a small brush. This is the teeth whitening gel with 20% to 40% hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen carbamide. This helps in the bleaching of the teeth.
  • After this, a whitening light is applied to the teeth, which helps to trigger the gel. The laser can also be used for this purpose.
  • The dentist leaves the gel for 8 minutes, which may be prolonged to 15 minutes per application to enhance the results.
  • The gel is removed from the teeth after 8-15 minutes using cogtton rolls. This process is repeated three to four times until desired results are obtained.
  • After the last step, The Gingival Barrier and cheek retractor are withdrawn.
  • The dentis takes the photo and shows it to the patient if they have achieved that shade the patient wanted or not.
  • Teeth are brighter, whiter, and shinier than before.


Step To Step Guide To Professional Take-Home Whitening Kits


There are also some take-home whitening kits. It is done with the help of dentists. The following are the steps:


  • Dentists take the imprint of the lower and uppter teeth.
  • To make the plaster casts of the teeth, plaster is put in the impressions.
  • Dentists fabricate custome-made whitening trays on the plaster casts.
  • These fitted cast trays have a gel that closes contavt with the teeth. Because of their fitness, saliva will not contamitnate the gel. This will ensure that the gel will no harm the gums


So. We see that the professional way of whitening gives more efficient results than the store-bought kits and whitening strips.


Contact your Pinole dentist, Dr. Hoss Abar, DDS, MSD at Abar Orthodontics to learn more and get started with your orthodontic treatments.


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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